Roscallie is delighted to introduce the ground-breaking Solovine™ Panels, the world’s first sheep solar panels. Established using revolutionary Transfer Ultrafast Power (TUP™), these long-range waves generate direct alternating current on zoned feed into the National Grid or directly into homes and commercial premises without a conventional transformer.
A timely solution to surging global energy costs, the Solovine™ panels ultimate performance translates into just 20 ewes supplying sufficient daily power to heat and light a two-bedroom house*.
Perfect solution for off-grid farms utilising the environment to replenish energy without the need for costly generators. Added benefits of the Equally Weatherproof Everyday (EWE™) coats provide a waterproof breathable barrier ideal for early sheared show sheep and small panels will be available for lambs with extension units adjustable for growth.
After extensive trials and prototypes, Solovine™ is in fast-track production and due to hit the shelves this autumn. Backed by the government’s Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme, Solovine™ panels will be available at a discounted rate – lambs £25, ewes £40 and rams £50.
* Technical glitch - unfortunately will not power ovens for lamb or mutton cooking.
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(posted April 1, 2022)