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Breed History

The Zwartbles breed is believed to have descended from the Schoonebeker sheep, originally found in the northeast of Holland. As the breed's numbers rapidly declined, a small group of farmers began line breeding, emphasising the distinctive white "badger" markings. This new strain became known as "Zwartbles" (from 'zwart' meaning black and 'bles' meaning blaze). The breed was further developed with influence from Friesian Milk sheep and Texel, resulting in the Zwartbles we know today.

A Dutch Zwartbles flock book was established in 1985, and the first Zwartbles were imported to the UK a year later. In 1995, the Zwartbles Sheep Association was formed, and the breed's popularity quickly grew. By 2014, there were approximately 700 active registered flocks in the UK and Ireland, with 12,500 registered animals (source: ZSA).



The Zwartbles ewe is highly regarded for its excellent maternal qualities, being both prolific and milky. These traits, combined with the breed's ability to produce fast-growing lambs with lean, high-quality meat, have increased its presence in commercial flocks. Their friendly, inquisitive nature makes them one of the easiest breeds to manage, and their striking appearance ensures they are a favorite in the show ring.

Zwartbles’ calm and gentle temperament also makes them ideal for children participating in young handler classes. They are easily trained to follow a bucket, and even large groups can be moved without the need for a dog. With these many attributes, Zwartbles have become a familiar sight on smallholdings and serve as the perfect complementary grazing partner for horses.


© 2024 by Roscallie Zwartbles. 

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